Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bamas Been Good!

Did I mention how much we love Alabama? I can't say enough great things about this place...I've never lived somewhere people completely stop when they see your turn signal and encourage you to go ahead, where kids (all kids) say yes ma'm, have the yummiest food, a ridiculous amount of stuff for families to do, seriously it's insane.
My kids definitely love it and they've become really close lately... living in corporate housing has been an amazing awakening, I have less cleaning and errands to do in general so this leaves lots of time to focus on kids, scripture study, kid dates, family outings, and mommy/daddy time. I love watching them building that special bond that siblings have, they play side by side and my heart melts. Don't get me wrong it's not always sharing and caring, but when it is, there's nothing sweeter!

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