It's official ! She's terribly two, but seriously it's not so terrible, once you get past the fierce little diva behavior, there's a sweet, cheeky, little ray of sunshine. She never ceases to amaze us with her little vocabulary and how she phrases words to get her point across. She had been saying our dinner prayer since for the last month or so everytime we start to bless the food, she starts to pray over you, so we just made that her job. She has really developed a passion for reading, anytime of the day wherever she is in the house you are sure to find a book next to her. Some of her favorites include Do Princesses Wear hiking boots, Mi Papa, How do you feel today, and Dinosaurs Wear Underpants. She also loves to sing, mostly hymns and primary songs, but she has a few that she knows very well on the radio. Her favorites include: I am a child of God, Follow the prophet, Book of Mormon stories, Nephi's courage, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, Loca Loca Loca, Dynomite and 3 of her daddy's songs from his El Sancho Band days.
I can't imagine my life without this little girl that I prayed for my whole life, Happy Birthday my two year old blessing.
I think she had an idea that the day was going to be a special one because she woke up in an especially good mood. She was super sweet and very hungry. I had planned a little family gathering in less than 24 hrs. I figured since my mom and cousin Koebi would be in town, I could whip up a little something. I made Cuban sandwiches, black beans and white rice, platanos fritos, mojito, and tortilla soup. She had a wonderful time being with family and opening presents, I'm sure the cake and candy were on her list of favorites of the evening as well.
So we ran to Wal-Mart and grabbed a few essentials and found some things around the house and this is what I ended up with.
I baked her little center cake in a tuna can. My cousin gave me the idea to pipe the cupcake frosting using a ziplock bag with the corner snipped off
cany is always in great supply at our house
Pink lemonade a must
So Mia
Her nose ran blue for two days
Not sure if he's old enough but oh well he didn't complain
This is Koebi, the little sis I never had
Their first bath together, way too much work without one of those bath rings that helps infants sit up securely, let's just say it doesn't do much good to be able to sit up when your belly is too big to let you.
Happy Birthday cute little Mia!! It looks like she had such a fun and special day. We need to play sometime!! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. My kiddos have croup but lets play soon!