The first year is done, our little Mia is already 1! I cannot believe a whole year has past. It is so crazy how fast time flies. Today was a sweet and special day for all of us here at the Ririe home, we celebrated the first year of life of the "Fierce" little diva in the house. She was in such a good mood today, it's like she knew it was all about her. We got some new kicks and headed downtown to get her a cupcake at Sugarbaby's, to devour at dinner later. She thought she was in Heaven with all of those sweet goodies around her, but most of all because of all the breakables around her. We attempted to take pictures but her sweet mood turned sour as she quickly got hungry and tired, not a good combo for pics. So we headed back home to get some lunch and finish up our birthday shopping. When the boys got home we cut her some bangs as it's a Hispanic tradition to cut your child's hair on their 1st birthday, not the day before or the day after, the day of. Then we went out for pizza and let her get down to business with her cupcake. I'd prayed for a baby boy and a baby girl all of my life. As Sebastian got older, my hopes diminished that I'd ever get to have a baby girl of my own. But here she is and I couldn't be more grateful, I love you my sweet, chunky, fierce lil Mia !