Pool pics
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
{Summer is Here}
This year summer is bittersweet...On one hand I think of the fun summer camps, swimming, vacations, spending time with family...BUT on the other, I think of my sweet baby Beckham, because as soon as summer is over, he'll be 1 year old...sigh, sniff sniff

He is ALL over the place
Chasing dolls around furniture, climbing the stair and Oh, dare I type it... taking steps

Mia has started a darling cooking camp. They are growing veggies, cooking, learning about food groups, and lot's of other reasons for her to be more interested in my stove and pots and pans. Last week they made pudding and she did not, I rephrase, refused to come home. She loves her teachers, and so, I think I may have to suck it up sew her a nap mat...Pics of that coming soon
Pool pics

the bitterness continues as my 1st baby boy will only have one more year in elementary

Pool pics
{Rainy Day}
Anyone know the cut-off age for public nudity as it pertains to toddlers?
Yes my kids actually were outside playing like this, ah, it's summer, plus it finally rained, plus there was a power outage, what else were we supposed to do? Don't hate.

Daddy gave Beck a complex when he nicknamed him"Hippo Teeth"
Happy now Dad, he's doing your closed mouth smile
Yes my kids actually were outside playing like this, ah, it's summer, plus it finally rained, plus there was a power outage, what else were we supposed to do? Don't hate.
{Yay Soccer's over !}
Finally, soccer is over and I love our Saturdays being free to just do whatever.... that is until next season. My parents came to see his last game, which in the spirit of FFPS league, we are Not supposed to keep score, but Bash's team clobbered the opposing. We invited a team mate to hang out with us. He just moved here from Brazil and his English is amazing for only having been here 6 mo. We headed Disc. Green and saw the Fab 40 pay a wicked tribute to The Beatles. It's hilarious to hear my mom and John talk about their favorite Beatles tunes, that was one of our instant connections when we met... Beatles fans, who knew?

{Disc. Green-car parade}
Who says there's nothing fun to do? We've been heading to Disc. Green for shows, exhibits, and concerts... I love that it's free and even if there isn't anything scheduled, the kids can run and play til they drop, check out their website. This car parade was nuts. There was a huge foam party, live music, tons of food, and crazy cars to check out, we shut the park down.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
(She can stay...)
Most often Mia is referred to by her brother as: a pest, brat, dragon and a few choice words I'll spare you.... BUT every now and then she will find a place in his heart and bury her little self there for a moment or two, those are the ones that I remind them to cherish because when they are my age and living in different cities as my siblings and I are, those are the moments we remember...like when I tell her to leave him alone,and he says "She can stay".