Thursday, April 28, 2011
{Love is a battlefield}
Not that I have anything against battle reeanctments, actually I really enjoy them, but just not during 96 degree Texas weather. Uggh. However, because I LOVE my son more than life itself, I toted him and the babies, right after a soccer game in the blistering hot sun, to La Porte for this monumental event...The Battle of San Jacinto reenactment, and I'm so glad because we had a fantastic time. It was absolutley amazing and so worth it. I'm inviting all family and friends who want to see this for themselves, to come with us next year, this definitely has to be an annual event for our family. The costumes were so realistic, the food was deelish, and there were plenty of things for the entire family.

as I was taking this pic, I hear the person who made this mini-model shout "DONT TOUCH", I lower the camera and who's he talking to? YEP, MIA!
We had a fun little picnic
Saw some shows

Bought some guns, marshmallow guns...or a "shoot" as Mia calls it
Bash got a rubber band gun, the rubber bands lasted all but an hour

Saturday, April 16, 2011
"All I heard was NEW LENS"
The quote above is from my husband after hearing that I recently had the privilege of learning some tips from a fantastically amazing photog friend of mine on manual settings and ps. You can see her work here. She let me try out her lens and I'm hooked. I'm working on getting it. Sure I could just go buy it, but I've made it my goal to save for it by offering some mini sessions. SUPER amatuer being that I've only photographed mine and a few friend's children, but I'll give you a great deal, and who doesn't love pics of their kids. So if your interested in a short & fun shoot of your kids, email me or leave me a comment. Details: we can do 45 min. for $35 and a free disc of all of the images (15- basic/natural editing+the rest of the images)
my babies weren't feeling well so pardon the expressions
Friday, April 15, 2011
Woodlands Children's Museum
This is what I LOVE about Houston, there are a million things to do for kids. We met up with some friends here and it was perfect for my Mia & Beck. It's only one story, has a ton of hands on activities, dress up, pretend, water play, science exhibits, crafts, and games at their eye level. Plus BONUS, Waterstreet Market is just up the road, for mommy to have some play time! We stopped by Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Pottery Barn on our way home. It truly was a great strategy, Beck crashed in the stroller and Mia was too worn out to wanna run around while I got to shop. We have to do this again A. H. and your little one too.