Monday, December 19, 2011
More from Francisco
Francisco made another "unappearance", Mia is just about at the end of her rope as she has yet to meet Francisco our elf in person. He left some games and candy and instructions for the kids to get their Santa letters out. So, this weekend while my parents were here, Mia wrote her letter and while we were out on our Sip & See (annual light seeing) we stopped by a cul de sac, aptly named Candy Cane Court, that had a "letters to Santa" mailbox...yep straight to the Northpole it did go.

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Snowman Poop
Francisco popped in last night after his snowman poop duty, Santa said he had dodged his turn of cleaning up after the snowmen too long. So, he brought the Ririe kids some left over poop in a cute bag he made on his break...of course he couldn't leave without playing with toys first! Thanks Francisco, or as Mia says Franskeesko

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Francisco... the elf on OUR shelf
The Christmas season is surely upon us... we've started some really fun traditions here in Ririeville, like: collecting ornaments from all of our vacations, our annual SIP & SEE (we stop at Starbucks for some hot chocolate then go "light seeing", make a clothing donation, we take out all of our favorite Christmas books and set them out for the month to read at night, take pics for cards, watch some Christmas classics (How the Grinch..., A Christmas Story and Carol, Frosty and Rudolph, Scrooged (not with kids, but it's super funny) make goodies for friends and neighbors, check out Discovery Green at least once before Christmas, follow The Christmas Story nightly and sing hymns from the binder a dear friend made me, Dad reads us Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve...but THIS YEAR, We've added a new little tradition that went over 100 times better than I thought. We've tweaked the Elf on the Shelf concept a little and given our elf the name Francisco, we thought it only fitting being that our household is predominantly Hispanic. We read the original story to the kids, but I changed a few things while reading (the little ones didn't know any better) So, instead of him being seen and untouchable, he is never seen and just leaves little gifts, games, and family activities somewhere in the house for them to find everyday. This was day one... I plant the note then I'll tell the kids that Francisco left them some pictures of all the crazy "elf" things he did while they were sleeping. Mia flipped, she loves it! She asks for him all day long. He's super bossy, and a little cranky, but really sweet for leaving all these goodies. So, keep checking back to see what he's up to. The kids love them some Francisco, hmm, that's fun to say F r a n c i s c o!

so naughty, playing with their carnival
This was day 3, he left them a foam craft and then took a dip in the garden tub...huh elves?

Yay, we got our tree, it's a little guy this year because of the move, but I'll be happy about that when it's time to dispose of it... Happy Holiday!!

This was day 3, he left them a foam craft and then took a dip in the garden tub...huh elves?
Yay, we got our tree, it's a little guy this year because of the move, but I'll be happy about that when it's time to dispose of it... Happy Holiday!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
If I didn't fall off the face of the earth, didn't join the peace corp, didn't run off to be a Broadway star, and didn't crawl under a rock (although lately I've wanted to with all the "changes" ahead)...where have I been??? Not in BLOGLAND that's for sure! Well, now that we've officially got word that we're moving, things have been moving at like warp speed and my head is spinning. That being said... I've finally made time to update and will put you up to warp speed in the goings on of the Riries...Enjoy!
Sebastian is still happy to participate in anything that will allow him to dress in full camo, how else are you gonna dress to launch a pop rocket?
still aspiring to make her debut on America's Best Dance Crew, Mia's enjoying gymnastics, ballet, and tap...
Beckham is still diligently studying his scriptures...he prefers the illustrations in A Child's Story of the Book of Mormon from 1962 as opposed to the more modern versions out there today
all things Halloween
I swoon all things leading up to, on, and after Halloween! We get to make and taste a ton of goodies and sweet treats, go to parties, dress up, eat candy, then enjoy all the after sales... Everybody wins!
we tried making candy apples this year
not bad for our 1st time

costume parade at MOD
marshmallow treats
Mia's gal pals at school
ok it's official!!! Mia's first crush...her teachers told me that she is often seen caressing his cheeks and heard asking him "are you having a good day", she's been seen feeding him her food, and they've also been seen hugging, A LOT!!! I won't give his name but it's the cutest ever, it's the last name of the host of Bravo TV's Watch What Happens Live. My mom has a picture just like this of me and my first crush "James", I only remember his name because my family NEVER let me live it down. I'm on a mission to find that picture!
pumpkin carving sundae bar
Ursula (her choice), the burglar, and Nacho consumed more candy on that night than I had room in the trash can to dispose of the wrappers

Monday, November 14, 2011
Mini Reunion-San Antonio
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
FINALLY!!! pics
We finally after our third child, have a family picture with ALL of us! We did these in Utah, with the insanely talented Abbey Kyhl of AK Design Studio.