Tuesday, July 27, 2010
President Boyd K. Packer - The Power of the Priesthood
I heard one of the most powerful messages in Relief Society this last Sunday. It was an unusually emotional day for me (pregnancy/hormones) I'm sure, but, my heart weighed heavy with thoughts of my family, one member in particular, whom I've prayed for concerning his well-being everyday since our move. The lesson was about the power of the Priesthood. After hearing this lesson, one quote stayed with me, "There will be times when all that stands as a shield between your family and the adversary's mischief will be that power. You will receive direction from the Lord by way of the gift of the Holy Ghost." I couldn't help but be grateful for the blessings that that power brings when exercised with proper love and authority. If only all of the men in my family knew of this power, how much better life might have been or would be for them now. All I can do is keep praying and hope my little family can be an honorable example to those who have not yet had the opportunity to know the truth for themselves.
Monday, July 26, 2010
{ Wicked }
When John and I decided to move to Houston, we made a deal to try and make at least one concert, musical, pro game (baseball, football, soccer, basketball), and try every ethnic restaurant we could. Well, if you've followed our blog for the last two years you'd know that we pretty much have all the ethnic restaurants covered and a few pro games. Finally, I got the chance to attend my first "Houston" musical, WICKED. It was FANTASTIC and I absolutley loved it! I bought the ticket many months ago and drove home just in time for it. I was a little worried that I'd been gone so long and hadn't made any plans to go with anyone that I'd end up driving alone. Luckily word spread fast that I was back in town and the offers started pouring in to ride together. I love this ward, my sisters have always been there for me. I ended up going with Tara, a person that since we met has maintained a strange ESP relationship with my brain. It was great getting to catch up with one another and I enjoyed getting to know her family who were visiting from Utah. Thanks for the ride Harts!
Although my seat was pretty high up I had a dead center view, perfect!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
4th of July weekend
We kicked off 4th of July with one of the coolest games of the 2010 cup. Mia was running around the coffee table yelling GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL, when Brazil scrored. )Monkey see Monkey do)It's no wonder either, both her parents ARE Soccer fanatics, hello, MIA and BECKHAM : )

My parents invited us to the circus, Mia's 1st, Bash's 100th. I was a little worried that Mia was going to be lame because my dad was soo anxious to see her reaction to the clowns and the animals. She started out super quiet and observant but when the animals came out she went bananas, no pun intended.
Nothing under 13.00, I know rip off, but we ended up with half of it
This is my dad's idea of Heaven

At last, my mom's favorite holiday arrived, 4th of July, only fitting that she named her daughter America, I guess.

My friend Becca made the cork bow, too cute!
chocolate covered pretzels (FIRECRACKERS)
the spread- all American food complete with hotdogs, chips, apple pie w/ a scoop of vanilla ice cream, jello cake, and cupcakes.
my mom is super corny ( I mean that in a good way) about these types of get togethers, she printed the lyrics and made us all
sing "Proud to be an American"

After the great food we headed down toward the bayfront to see the annual fireworks

What a beautiful display of patriotism

My parents invited us to the circus, Mia's 1st, Bash's 100th. I was a little worried that Mia was going to be lame because my dad was soo anxious to see her reaction to the clowns and the animals. She started out super quiet and observant but when the animals came out she went bananas, no pun intended.
At last, my mom's favorite holiday arrived, 4th of July, only fitting that she named her daughter America, I guess.
sing "Proud to be an American"
After the great food we headed down toward the bayfront to see the annual fireworks
What a beautiful display of patriotism
Baby Boy Shower
We were sent on our way with an adorable farewell shower. My mom did a fantastic job and we enjoyed every minute of seeing family and friends, eating yummy food, and my favorite, the cake of coarse! We agreed since this is my 3rd child, we'd keep the decor and games to a minimum. It was sweet, simple, and perfect!Thanks mom, you out did yourself.

Uh, too big!

Thank you favors
this was during the judging of whose hair was longer that went with a riddle for one of the games. It was really cute
sling and onesies made by Becca
What are the odds?
During one of many shopping expos to Half priced books (John's sanctuary) he stopped by the music section and stumbled across a CD that was recorded too long ago to mention, during his rocker days. It was a compilation of Corpus bands that featured John singing "Mi Voz es Mi Arma", a song that he wrote and performed with his old band Victimia (victim). I was cracking up, REALLY, what are the odds? We played that song over and over again, so much so that the kids only wanna hear "dad", truly I don't mind, that boy got talent! That's what I get for marrying a Rock Star! Who knew? Seriously, I did, his voice, musical talent, and ability to write such beautiful music still amazes me. Although, I still hold a grudge for him not putting any of that to use during our reception, actually he had two opporutnities, I'm still bitter that I didn't get serenated, oh well, I guess it's enough that I get serenated at home anytime I want. Fair enough!

{'Bout Becca Brown}- The "white" version of me
So, while in Corpus I was sittin at home and got a voicemail saying "Uh, America, you don't know me,my name is Rebecca, I'm in 3rd ward and K asked me to call you, she said you might be interested in crafting with me and a few other girls." Boy was I ever. I was so missing getting together with other "sisters" and just crafting, chatting, munching, and being creative. We IMMEDIATELY hit it off (total understatement) as we have MUCH in common, when I say MUCH, I mean it's pretty creepy how much. She has a gorgeous daughter whose name rhymes with MIa, she's a little older than Mia, and a son who is 2 months old so perfect play pal age for Beckham. I'm so grateful I've made this new friend, she is sweet, freakishly creative, and amazingly talented at just about everything crafty. You name it from blogging, vinyl cutting, painting, building, designing, decorating, she can do it all. I was so inspired that I recruited her help in designing Beckham's nursery. She gave me step by step instruction in between feeding and wrangling our kids and I was able to sew his curtains, bumper pad, and crib skirt. Becca, I couldn't have done it without you and am forever grateful!!! Looking forward to your visit : )

These are some of our creations :
needs a headband
this is meant for matching dresses that we're working on for the girls
I love this because it goes with almost everything Mia wears
can't wait to make these into dresses
Becca's crayon pouch creation
Becca's Etsy business

I made this as a parting/thank you gift for Becca, it's so her
This one too, she put it on immediately, just being nice I guess
These are some of our creations :