We are SOOOO glad to be done with school, yes, I speak for all of us! We now have an official 4th grader (sigh), whom we are super proud of , because despite his dyslexia, he was commended on all parts of his TAKS, and even more proud because when we sat and discussed his grades and progress with him and how wonderful he did, his response was
"Yeah, cause you gave me a 'Back to school BLESSING' Dad." I was so tickled that he immediately thought of giving credit to his faith and acknowledging that those blessings came from his Heavenly Father.

Last work day before the Memorial Holiday and we all prepared for our little road trip-
Laredo, Texas

We stayed with my relatives whom I lived with briefly when I first left the nest to attend college at TAMIU in Laredo. They are the coolest, funniest, most laid back family ever. They started their
business from the ground up out of a little tiny one bedroom apartment, and built it to the successful venture it is today. My Tio Ferndando along with his wife put their blood, sweat and tears into this now huge business that their children are now partially running, and will eventually hand down to their posterity. Nothing makes me happier than to see hard-working individuals have all of their dreams come true.

First time meeting her cousin and already fighting with her

So I intervened

Their theatre

the cousins hit it off right away

Baby Andres, too cute, and huge hockey fan
Our last day there we REALLY wanted to go across the border to Nuevo Laredo (John), but with all of the crime and problems with the drug cartel, we did the next best thing, we went to "The Mercado" or downtown shopping, and they had basically everything you can get in Mexico but on this side.
I We were on a hunt for some Mexican candy and a soccer jersey for Beckham, but we scored a Netherland jersey for Bash

and this backpack for Mia.

This was my first Care Bear when I was little

After a long, HOT, day of shopping we screened Nacho Libre, not all of us were into it.
Since my dad's ranch is between Laredo and Corpus, we stopped by to visit.

In case you haven't noticed, Grandpa never rests when my kids are there. It's like Grandpa can we do this, eat this, ride this, go here, feed this, take us there.

For some reason my kids transfrom into these little "rancheros" when we come out here. She didn't want to wear her own boots, because Grandpa's were more comfy, really!
Water Gardens

Sometimes kids know better!
Me: Why did you take Mia out of the water?Bash: Because she keeps trying to sit down and she's gonna get wetMe: No she won't, she's trying to touch it.

Love this expression

You were right Bash!
WoooooHOOOOO, another year down, congrats 4th grader!!!