No Sprink Break would be complete without a beach trip kick off. So, we headed to Lake Jackson with the my MIL, Brenners, Carruths, and Rickers for some fun in the sun. It was a little chilly, but kids do not care! They headed straight for the water and had a blast. Aunt Jenna had a sweet set up with hot dogs and smores. The kids will never forget this beach trip, can't wait to do it again. Growing up so close to Padre Island, I'm ALWAYS down to go to the beach!

What am I doing here, it's cold!!

Nathan comforting her

Polka dot pals

Building castles with Abuela

Was this really safe moms?
Tues. we definitely rested. We put on a couple of shows in the playroom. Aunt Jenna gave Mia this one

for her birthday, she loves it. Although she does need a lot of redirection as she tends to reach through the curtain and pull the puppet off of my hand. Then we popped some popcorn and watch the Care Bear movie. Super Duper 80's cartoon classic. Does anyone remember this one

? My all time fave of my childhood. I had all the bears thank you!
Wed. (St. Patricks)- we attempted to make some last min. festive treats, so I just used what I had in pantry. I got a ton of ideas from tatertos and jello one of my favorite blogs,they didn't turn out quite as nice but the kids loved them.

Sorry attempt at a pot of gold, I used the left over black sparkle from Bash's Michael Jackson cake, and then made the coins out of sliced gum drops from the Christmas gingerbread Rice Krispie box.

Pilsbury cresent roll shamrock, although it was supposed to be a sweet snack with sugar and cinnamon, I improvised with butter and garlic salt and served them with dinner. Rice Krispies and cupcakes were enough sweets.
Thurs. the kids and I met John and his co-worker in west Houston for lunch at a place called India's Restaurant on Richmond. It was by far one of my favorites yet here in Houston. I know I said that about London Sizzler, Bombay Brasserie, Shanai, and Chutney's, but this was truly delish! John had told his co-worker, who is from Northern India, how much we love Indian food so he wanted to join us and tell us more about their culture and food. It was really cool having an expert there to explain things better, usually I just serve and don't care what's in it. But he told us about the ingredients, spices, etc. It was so much fun, the kids really love the butter chicken, chana, and naan. I'm just going to dispell this myth right now for those of you missing out, INDIAN FOOD IS NOT SPICY, UNLESS YOU ORDER IT THAT WAY OR A SPECIFIC DISH THAT IS!!!!! So many people think it's like "Along Came Polly" and you'll get IBS and start sweating profusely at the meer taste of it. Not the case.
Then after lunch we headed to IKEA, one of my new getaways, I can't stay away, I think I've been like 5 times this month. I could stay there for hours just browsing, shopping planning, and getting ideas. I definitely have an excuse to go now that we are needing to plan a boy nursery. Any ideas? I like this furniture

for Beckham and this pattern
I love Thurs. cause every other is like John's Friday because he's off every other Fri. So, later that night John and I vegged out with some (I'm pregnant so give me a break) twizzlers, sour skittles, sweet tarts, poppcorn, pickle, and water of coarse, and watch the cutest family movie "Bandslam".

It's refreshing to know that you can still watch cute movies without sex, swearing, or anything else inappropriate for kids to watch.
TGIF, yay !! We watched the Call kids so that their photog mommy could go on a shoot. Then she returned the favor so that John and I could get a date night and we headed to rodeo. But, not without trying out an Indian restaurant just down the street from Reliant. The owner was sweet enough to give us a parking pass and we were close enough to walk. SCORE! The rodeo was cool, but my tummy was craving funnel cake, turnkey leg, jumbo pickle, and bar b q filled baked potato. OH MY GOODNESS, I was in Heaven we tried it all, and yes I ate it all!!!
Sat. the fun continues, after working on the house and yard of coarse, we got rained out (how convenient) so John took Bash for a man date to the drag races. They got rained out so what else is there to do on a boring rainy Sat? The movies! We took the kids to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"

, another safe family movie. Mia did great, I love that we can take her to the movies cause it doesn't ruin it for Bash if we can't find a sitter. As long as she had snacks, she was good to go.
Sunday we wrapped up Spring Break with a spiritual and meaningful Stake Conference. Then Monday it was off the hum drum of the school and work week.