I was telling John Sat. as we left for our date, how truly blessed I feel to be able to celebrate another year of life and know that even though life brings challenges, trials, and hardships, our Father in Heaven assures us that it will never amount to more than we can handle. We set out for our dinner date and I felt so at peace knowing that my children were safe at home with their Abuela and that no matter where we went in Houston, we would be kept safe and looked -after. I share this because I had many birthdays before I joined the Mormon church, that I was not sure what sort of trouble the night would bring. I am so grateful to all of my friends and family that remembered me this year on my birthday, it means the world to me to get just a phone call, but YOU PEOPLE, went out of your way to make this a truly amazing and memorable birthday. From a fabulous birthday luncheon with gal pals and kids, to cards and gifts and emails, and calls, it is overwhelming for me to know that I can count on all of you, thank you all, you know who you are!
Well, Saturday was the official big day, we took the kids to the annual Rodeo in the park, hosted by the Houston Livestock and Rodeo commision. It was fantastic and not to mention FREE!!! They had moon jumps, a petting zoo, pony rides, games, Houston SWAT team with their vehicle that kids could explore along with ammunition, HPD vehicle, HFD vehicle, free hotdogs, chips, popcorn, & drinks. We were joined by the Brenners and had an absolute blast.
Then later than evening my MIL offered to sit with the kids so John and I could enjoy a night on the town. We found this quaint little Indian restaurant downtown off of Lamar and Fannin called, Chutneys. EXCELLENT FOOD AND PRICES!! Only $34 buck for 3 entrees (we couldn't decide) and appatizers, and a ton left over. I only mention the price because around here, even lunch at an Indian restaurant is a lot more pricey. Then we headed out to find a fun place we could enjoy a non-alcoholic beverage. We found this up-scaled little pub dowtown called Coaches. John walks in and asks the bartender, "You got anything non-alcoholic", and she says yeah we have Bucklers, imported from Holland. We had so much fun, we teased each other about who would be able to drive home. haha. It was so much fun and may I add nice to know, we know there'd be no danger of a ticket or any other unpleasant event that usually follows a night of drinking like we used to.
Here are some pics. I took my new camera to the rodeo but forgot the battery (smooth)so I'm waiting on some that Josie took for us to post, so more to come...
FINALLY!! John got me the camera I've been wanting to get for soooo long!Thanks Pooter!