These are the only pics I could get Bash to take alone. Thats cause I had to promise that I'd make them scary looking. I tried with the spooky eyes and fangs.
Monday, October 26, 2009
My little monsters...
These are the only pics I could get Bash to take alone. Thats cause I had to promise that I'd make them scary looking. I tried with the spooky eyes and fangs.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Countdown is on...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sealed Together with Love Forever
I'd like to leave you with a letter from Elder Chappell, one of the missionaries who taught me the discussions. I had to take out alot about the actual Temple experience but you'll still feel it, in the rest of his writing.
The best day of this week, wasn't the interview though. It was on Saturday afternoon, when John and America were sealed. Wow. What an incredibly humbing experience. I guess I should start at the begining. Elder Plater and I headed up there saturday morning at around 11. We spent the morning visting all of our old haunts in Eagle Springs, before going to the Rire home at 1. The house was super busy with all of her family down. We talked to them a little, but they were busy getting ready. We rode up to the temple with them, and it was so fun to just be together again, the four of us! We laughed and talked and had a good 30 min drive to the temple. Once there, they went one way, and Elder Plater and I went another. We waited in a separte room with a bunch of Johns family, and members of the Eagle Springs ward. it was so fun to see them again, and chat with them. I was surprised at how they remembered us! Eventually a little latin lady came into the room and asked the witnesses to come with her please. Well, that was Elder Plater and I, so we followed her through some corridors in the temple until we got to an office. Eventually, President Steuart, the sealer, came in and talked with us for a minute. We signed their marriage certificate. Wow, what an honor! We were then lead into the sealing room, and Plater and I had a few minutes alone in that sacred room to think about the long journey there. I turned to him and said, "this is the part of the fairy tale where one of us says something really deep and profound" neither of us came up with anything, and soon the rest of the guests came in. It was really amazing seeing all my old friends in the temple. It forms a bond, you know? Well, then John and America walked in, wearing temple clothes, and that was about more than i could take. Pres. Stewart talked to them for a minute, then performed the cermony, it seems like an understatement to say the spirit was strong. Then he asked that Sebastion and baby Mia be brought in. He warned us that they might look differnt, or seem diffrent here in the temple. And he was right. Mia was a perfect angel, and was right at home. She didnt cry or anything. He sealed them together, then they just stood there while he spoke to them as an eternal family. Thats when i really felt the veil lift, thats when i was so acutely aware of God's awareness of us individually, and i felt a unique spirit like i've never felt before. I think i might kind of understand i some small way what the celestial kingdom feels like. It feels like a family. A family that never has to say goodbye. Bro. Steuart then asked all the guests to file by and congratulate them. Where Elder Plater and I sat, as the witnesses, we were the last ones out, and we shared a tender moment alone with them. I'll never forget the way i felt in that room. I'll never forget the love that i have for the Ririe family. " great shall be your joy?"
I love you all, and I love this Eternal Gospel, and the incredible power of the priesthood.
Elder Andrew Chappell
Photos done by none other than the fantabulous Kelsy Call!

Withces shoes...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Halloween 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Slight oversight....OOOPS !

She's just bouncing up and down, babbling, laughing, and having a ball. I can't imagine what all of the other cars passing me were thinking. I get the award for goofiest mom for sure!
Calling all Descendants (Villarreals in particular) you know who are, or do you?

SCORE !!!!!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
More Q & A...
Are you getting married again?
Answer: No, we are already married, however, because we had not converted to the Mormon religion we were not Sealed. So we are going to the temple now to fulfill this ordinance. A Sealing is an ordinance performed in the temple eternally uniting a husband and wife and their children. If we had already been Mormon when we got married the Sealing would have served both the civil part and the Sealing together, they do not have to do both. We are honored to be able to now worthily possess temple recommends. You can learn more by clicking here. Or watching this video:
Can anyone get sealed in the temple?
Answer: Yes, as long as they've been baptized as a LDS, truly have faith in the Mormon church, worthily fulfill all of the covenants, and after a year of this, with the proper authorities recommendation, they can.Question:
Did you guys register anywhere?
Answer: Well, being that we have already been married a year we didn't do a " bridal registry", however, since we got married in Puerto Rico, and never really had the opportunity to have a reception, I registered at Villeroy and Boch for the Audun Chasse pattern. I never got to pick out a china pattern so now I did. John says from now on he'll get me a piece or two when a special occasion comes up and we can build our set up that way. You can check it out by clicking on Villeroy and Boch above.
Well I hope this helps! Thanks for all the well wishes and questions!