Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Commencement closure
Well, the day finally arrived that John was able to walk the stage and sort of gain some closure to the end of his long journey through education. Well, not the end, because now all he talks about his going back for his doctorate, but the end of his graduate years I guess. We were so exited sitting in a crowd of 20,000 people watching John walk across the stage, it was REALLY cool for Bash to see especially. It was the perfect day with mine and John's families and the perfect ending at Chilis'(thanks Yanet)with a group devouring of the Molten Chocolate Cake. Thank you everyone for coming and sharing in this special day!

It was cool catching John on the jumbotron

Muchas Gracias, Senora Brown !!!
Thank you all SO much for your quick response! When the dress came and I faintedpanicked, John was like oh just spread the word around, post it on the blog, your sisters will respond. He was right. Amber Brown came by a day later, measured the problem areas and took the dress away. What a "saint". Thanks again!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The "dress" is in.. but I NEED A SEAMSTRESS!!!! HELP!!!
I just received my dress for the sealing ceremony today. Thanks mom! It is just what I pictured. Being that our budget was zero REALLY tight,I found this store in China, through Ebay, that was super reasonable with free shipping. It was a strapless mermaid style and I had read on another blog about this girl in Washington that sewed her own sleeves to an Alfred Angelo strapless dress to make it Temple ready. So I email and sent pics to the store in China asking if they could add sleeves like the one in Washington. They photoshopped the finished dress with the sleeves and it looked just like what I asked for. I ordered it on the 9th of Sept. and it arrived today. I'm so exited! However, it is a little tight in the armpit area and around the thighs. If anyone can or knows anyone who can alter this,for a reasonable price, PLEASE PLEASE call or email me! Thanks
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Puzzling behavior
Mia's been exploring the world super independently lately. We love to watch her just crawl around and pick up random toys, but lately she's been driven to her puzzles. At first she'd just dump all the pieces out and suck on them, but I think she's watched me clean her room and put the pieces back on the puzzles, so now Monkey see, Monkey do.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Seriously Mia, you're that tired ?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How FAST could a FAT girl crawl, if a FAT girl could crawl FAST?
Ok so I've been meaning to post this for a week. Our little Mia is crawling at 7 months. Her brother beat her by a month but who's counting? He is.
Here is a little montage to recapture her first moments as a new crawler! YOU HAVE TO TURN UP THE SOUND!!!Enjoy
These are just the same videos without the montage. So, this video is from the first attempt.
Then we though, "What would entice a little Fatty to want to crawl, FOOD!!!" So we let her suck on some oranges and then set a plate of them as bait a couple of feet in front of her. Yep, she went for it, Literally. Within a 30 min. she was on the move.
Here is a little montage to recapture her first moments as a new crawler! YOU HAVE TO TURN UP THE SOUND!!!Enjoy
These are just the same videos without the montage. So, this video is from the first attempt.
Then we though, "What would entice a little Fatty to want to crawl, FOOD!!!" So we let her suck on some oranges and then set a plate of them as bait a couple of feet in front of her. Yep, she went for it, Literally. Within a 30 min. she was on the move.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Love is in the air
Another year of happiness and many more to come... I'm glad I that I was able to force you both to stop and take a picture together, it meant the world for me to see how giddy you two looked as you hugged and posed for pics. We love and miss you guys so much! Happy 5th anniversary!

My beautiful mom, always advocating peace whenever possible

Of coarse mia had to intrude!