We can't begin to thank all of our friends and family for keeping us in your prayers throughtout this experience. We were fortunate to have only had a little damage to our fence in the backyard, and no power for 4 days. My cell phone network just became available a day or two ago. So now I can receive calls and catch up with everyone. It could have been alot worse, and we are grateful to be safe.
Thanks again,
The Riries
Monday, September 22, 2008
Peyton Ricker "Life of the Party"
"Life of the party" was the headline over the story they wrote in the Kingwood Observer about Peyton (John's newphew), to invite the public to come and show their support at a benefit carnival in Peyton's honor. Here is the link to this amazing story about a strong, happy, six year old boy that alot of us could learn a thing or two from. I certainly have, just being around him, reminds me of how precious life is, and not to take it for granted. http://www.hcnonline.com/articles/2008/09/19/east_montgomery/news/38dpeyton.txt
Go to this link to read about the carnival.
This carnival was organzied by Robert's sister Ruth. Ruth is a remarkable woman and mother of 5 whom, I've recently had the privelege to meet. She planned and put this carnival on in less than 5 weeks to help the Rickers (John's sister Jennifer, her husband Robert, and their 4 children) with out of pocket expenses. ie medical treatment, co pays, gas, bills, a baby on the way and you can imagine everything else that creeps up in stressful times. I have just been so blessed to have had the opporunity to be a part and help with this carnival. I cannot express how wonderful it was to see all of those people just give all that they could to have a great turn out. As you can see from the pics in the next post, the carnival was magical, and we all had a blast.
This is a link to Peyton's Blog. Some people from my family have already been praying for Peyton and know his story, but for those of you who haven't heard, please click on this link to Peyton's blog and read through it, and sign the guestbook http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ourpeyton
If you would like to contribute to his fund you can do so at any Wells Fargo Branch in Peyton Ricker's name. God's Blessings
Go to this link to read about the carnival.
This carnival was organzied by Robert's sister Ruth. Ruth is a remarkable woman and mother of 5 whom, I've recently had the privelege to meet. She planned and put this carnival on in less than 5 weeks to help the Rickers (John's sister Jennifer, her husband Robert, and their 4 children) with out of pocket expenses. ie medical treatment, co pays, gas, bills, a baby on the way and you can imagine everything else that creeps up in stressful times. I have just been so blessed to have had the opporunity to be a part and help with this carnival. I cannot express how wonderful it was to see all of those people just give all that they could to have a great turn out. As you can see from the pics in the next post, the carnival was magical, and we all had a blast.
This is a link to Peyton's Blog. Some people from my family have already been praying for Peyton and know his story, but for those of you who haven't heard, please click on this link to Peyton's blog and read through it, and sign the guestbook http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ourpeyton
If you would like to contribute to his fund you can do so at any Wells Fargo Branch in Peyton Ricker's name. God's Blessings
Be still and Know that I am God
It is amazing the emotional rollercoaster we have been through with this storm. At first we were so fearful for our lives and our home. Then, we were thankful to Heavenly Father for keeping us safe and our home as well. Then we were sorrowful for those who did lose their loves ones, homes, and possessions. However, in the midst of the loss of electricity and chaos of the aftermath, we were so blessed to have this time to spend with John's family. I think maybe this is the Lord's way of allowing us to part from the fast paced world of technology (internet, cell phones, texting) and be still and know he is there. Without power, there wasn't much to do so we entertained ourselves with UNO, card games, hangin outside with the neighbors, grillin our food ourdoors, and just having a blast. We have been surrounded by babies and cousins and kids, and we love it. It is wonderful to hear these little voices call me Aunt America, I missed that. I have learned a persons true personality is revealed in times of chaos or crisis, and I witnessed those changes in people first hand. For example, the day before the storm was pandemonium and utter panic, especially at HEB, Walmart, and Krogers. I went to Walmart to get essentials and the lines were backed up to the end of the store. I had forgotten detergent and wanted to wash our linen because I knew we'd be having guests stay over. I asked the checker if she could have one brought up and she cracked up and said basically "you wish!" So, this little 10 year old boy behind me heard, and asked me what kind of detergent I wanted and bolted before I could tell him not to worry about it. He comes back in no time, out of breath with this huge bottle of Tide, and hands it to me. Everyone in line, including the checker was so moved. It kind of choked all of us up. What a wonderful example of a caring unselfish human being. Another example was the second day after the storm, there were literally maybe only 3 businesses open in our area, and one of them was Shipley's doughnuts. You can imagine thousands of hungry families with no electricity trying to get into this place. So, you have the crew hurrily working and stressed out by this mob of hungry people, you have the patient and caring ones who tell you where the line begins and the only two items they are selling which were kolaches and glazed doughnuts, and you have the impatient, selfish jerks, who park in front of doors and block everyone from entering, push you out of the way, and demand to know why this place even opened if they weren't going to sell chocolate doughnuts. I wanted to crawl out of my skin when I heard these people. This just reminds me how it is so important to remember we are not the only ones suffering,and the world does not revolve around us. We tend to get so caught up in ourselves, these situations force you to look around and make a difference wherever possible, however, big or small. Thank you Heavenly Father, for the blessings this storm left behind !
John and his Mom
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just found this hilarious site www.yearbookyourself.com Here are some of John and I. Who do I look like in mine? Mom, Tony, Bobby, Jason, and Koebi better get this right!